Thursday, October 2, 2008

VeganMoFo: Breaking Routines & Batch Cooking

As a full-time student, I find that I often don't have the time, energy, or motivation to cook a great meal. I mentioned in my last post that my parents take care of dinner. But what about lunch, or even breakfast?

Breakfast is really easy for me, because I stick primarily to eating a hearty peanut butter & jam & banana whole wheat sandwich, washed down with a chilly glass of soymilk. One thing I'm trying to do during this month of VeganMoFo is to break my regular routine, so I'm looking for different breakfast combos to try for tomorrow.

Lunch is different. Sometimes I have leftovers from yesterday's dinner to reheat; sometimes I pack a sandwich of some sorts, but I've been finding it tedious to eat another sandwich after my morning PBJB (no kidding! Yet another good reason to break up my morning routine!). Sometimes I run out of time in the morning, and I end up buying lunch at school, which varies from vegan stew at UBC's Pendulum, soup and 'wich at the Delly, a burrito in the Village, a bagel from Bernouli's, and so on. Recently, what I've been falling in love with is batch cooking. Last Saturday, for example, I cooked up a pot of chili and baked cornbread. Voila! Saturday night dinner and lunch for the next week. It's so convenient, as long as you have the individual freezing containers and the freezer space for them. I have two Lock&Locks, and several Ziplock freezables - I can divide a batch of chili, pasta, casserole, and really, most anything, between them and it's the perfect weekday lunch!
First in a weekend dinner:
The chili recipe is Joanna's Better-Than-Basic Veggie Chili, and the cornbread is from Recipezaar. Both recipes are super easy to make, with ingredients that are already in your cupboard. The only substitution I made was where Joanna's recipe called for tomato sauce, I used half the amount of tomato paste, plus equal part (to the tomato paste) water. I never have tomato sauce around, so I always use this substitution, and hey, it works!
Then as a weekday lunch:


half pint pixie said...

Looks yummy, we always freeze chili, I find it is even nicer when reheated for lunches :) It's been so long since I've had cornbread, must make some soon.

Happy MoFoing !

Bethany said...

looks really tasty. going the extra distance for cornbread really makes the meal.