Friday, October 3, 2008

VeganMoFo: Green Smoothies

One of my resolutions for this month of fooding is to try something new for breakfast. I'm determined to break my hardened routine of PB&J&B sandwiches. PB&J&B has become such a habit: we share many "fond" memories together, trooping through the last of my hellish teenage years. Even so, and despite the fact - yes, it's a fact - that it may just be the best warm gooey peanut buttery sandwich that has ever seen the face of this earth, I feel that it's time I change it up a bit. It being VeganMoFo just gives my resolution that extra bit of festive sparkle. It's like the symbolic cleaning associated with Chinese New Year: sweep out the old and the monotonous, welcome in the new.

I sure did try something new today.

It's green! It's a smoothie! And it's chock full of vitamins and minerals. This sweet thing has banana, nectarine, a mix of apple and wildberry juice, big handfuls of salad mix (it needed to be cleared out of the fridge!), flaxseeds, and a dried date that I threw in at the last minute. It definitely didn't taste too "green", which I imagine wouldn't sound too palatable for many. The dried date, which I wasn't really expecting to do much, did just end up being up being chopped into chunks - it wasn't blended in, which I guess is the point of smoothies. I suppose if I wanted to add a date, I should either add a fresh date, or soak a dried one. Or was it that I shouldn't add a dried date at all and I should soak a fresh one instead? Still, I kind of enjoyed the sweet bits of date in there. It's kind of like eating an oatmeal-raisin cookie and getting to the sweet raisins parts (or even better, the chocolate chips if it's the awesome combo of oatmeal-chocolate-raisin cookie).

And a tease for what's coming up in the next (or the next) post:


Carla said...

If you have any cupcakes left over, I'd be happy to take them off your hands!!

Bex said...

green smoothie! A recent discovery for me and I love them.

Sheree' said...

Green smoothies are wonderful. My son in law loves them, but peel the apples. :o) I would just soak the dates overnight and blend away in the morning.

Looking foward to those cupcakes. :o)

KitteeBee said...

green smoothies are a go!


Kristen's Raw said...

I love green smoothies :) Yum!

Bethany said...

That's a monster of a green smoothie. looks good.

Date sugar is the way to go. basically it's just finely ground dates, so all the work is done for you.

or you could soak the dates first to make them smooshier.